Source code for intdash._websocket

# Copyright 2020 Aptpod, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import io
import warnings
from typing import Optional
from urllib import parse

from debtcollector import removals
from tornado import gen, httpclient, locks, queues, websocket

from intdash import _client, _models, _protocol, _utils

class StreamAlreadyOpenException(Exception):

class ResultNGException(Exception):

__all__ = ["WebSocketConn"]

[docs]class WebSocketConn(object): """WebSocket 接続を表すオブジェクトです。""" def _init( self, client, flush_interval, auto_reconnect, token_source: Optional[_client.TokenSource] = None, ): self._client = client httpurl = parse.urlparse(client.url) scheme = "wss" if httpurl.scheme == "https" else "ws" self._wsurl = parse.urlunparse( [ scheme, httpurl.netloc, "/api/v1/ws/measurements", httpurl.params, parse.urlencode({}), httpurl.fragment, ] ) self._flush_interval = flush_interval self._next_stream_id = cyclic_counter256(initial=1) self._next_req_id = cyclic_counter256(initial=0) self._auto_reconnect = auto_reconnect self._disconnected = locks.Event() self._reconnecting = locks.Event() self._quit = locks.Event() self._rx_queues = {} self._tx_queue = queues.Queue() self._req_queues = {} self._downstreams = None self._upstreams = None self._writer = None self._conn = None if token_source is not None and not isinstance( token_source, _client.TokenSource ): raise TypeError("Must be TokenSource class") self._token_source = token_source self._connect() @gen.coroutine def _connect(self): while True: headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "User-Agent": _client.USER_AGENT, } try: if self._client.edge_token is not None: headers["X-Edge-Token"] = self._client.edge_token else: if self._token_source is not None: tk = self._token_source.token() else: self._client._auth() tk = self._client.jwt headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + tk req = httpclient.HTTPRequest( url=self._wsurl, headers=headers, user_agent=_client.USER_AGENT ) self._conn = yield websocket.websocket_connect( url=req, ping_interval=10 ) self._reconnecting.clear() break except Exception as e: warnings.warn(Warning(e)) yield gen.sleep(1.0) self._tx_routine() self._rx_routine() self._flush_routine() self._check_connection() @gen.coroutine def _check_connection(self): if not self._auto_reconnect: while not self._quit.is_set(): if self._reconnecting.is_set(): self.close() else: yield gen.sleep(1.0) continue else: while not self._quit.is_set(): if self._reconnecting.is_set(): self._quit.set() self._tx_queue.join() for q in self._rx_queues.values(): q.join() for q in self._req_queues.values(): q.join() if self._upstreams is not None: self._upstreams._stop() if self._downstreams is not None: self._downstreams._stop() self._quit.clear() self._connect() while self._reconnecting.is_set(): yield gen.sleep(0.1) if self._upstreams is not None: self._upstreams._open() if self._downstreams is not None: self._downstreams._open() break else: yield gen.sleep(1.0) continue @gen.coroutine def _flush_routine(self): bio = io.BytesIO() bwr = io.BufferedWriter(bio) self._writer = _protocol.Writer(bwr) while not self._quit.is_set(): yield gen.sleep(self._flush_interval) if len(bio.getvalue()) == 0: yield gen.sleep(0.1) continue if self._conn is None: yield gen.sleep(0.1) continue try: msg = bio.getvalue() yield self._conn.write_message(message=msg, binary=True) except websocket.WebSocketClosedError as e: self._reconnecting.set() break except AttributeError: break bio = io.BytesIO() bwr = io.BufferedWriter(bio) self._writer = _protocol.Writer(bwr) @gen.coroutine def _tx_routine(self): while not self._quit.is_set(): if self._writer is None: yield gen.sleep(0.1) continue unit = yield self._tx_queue.get() self._writer.write_elem(unit) self._tx_queue.task_done() @gen.coroutine def _rx_routine(self): while not self._quit.is_set(): if self._conn is None: yield gen.sleep(0.1) continue data = yield self._conn.read_message() if data is None: self._reconnecting.set() break bio = io.BytesIO(data) brd = io.BufferedReader(bio) rd = _protocol.Reader(brd) while not self._quit.is_set(): try: e = rd.read_elem() if isinstance(e, _protocol.StreamElement): yield self._rx_queues[e.stream_id].put(e) elif isinstance(e, _protocol.RequestElement): yield self._req_queues[e.req_id].put(e) except EOFError: break except KeyError: continue
[docs] def close(self): """WebSocket接続を閉じます。""" self._quit.set() if self._upstreams is not None: self._upstreams._stop() if self._downstreams is not None: self._downstreams._stop() self._tx_queue.join() for q in self._rx_queues.values(): q.join() for q in self._req_queues.values(): q.join() self._conn.close()
[docs] def open_downstreams(self, specs, callbacks): """指定したダウンストリームスペックに従ってダウンストリームを開きます。 Args: specs (list[DownstreamSpec]): ダウンストリームスペックのリスト callbacks (list[func]): 受信したUnitを処理する際に呼ばれるコールバック関数 """ if self._downstreams is not None: raise StreamAlreadyOpenException() self._downstreams = Downstreams(conn=self, specs=specs, callbacks=callbacks)
[docs] def open_upstreams(self, specs, iterators, marker_interval=3): """指定したアップストリームスペックに従ってアップストリームを開きます。 Args: specs (list[UpstreamSpec]): アップストリームスペックのリスト iterators (list[iter]): 送信するUnitを生成する際に呼ばれるイテレータ marker_interval (int): 秒単位のマーカー間隔 """ if self._upstreams is not None: raise StreamAlreadyOpenException() self._upstreams = Upstreams( conn=self, specs=specs, iterators=iterators, marker_interval=marker_interval )
class Downstreams(object): def __init__(self, conn, specs, callbacks): self.conn = conn self.quit = locks.Event() # NOTE: asign stream_id using self.conn._stream_id method self.specs = {} self.callbacks = {} for spec, callback in zip(specs, callbacks): stream_id = self.conn._next_stream_id() self.specs[stream_id] = spec self.callbacks[stream_id] = callback self._open() def _stop(self): self.quit.set() for stream_id, spec in self.specs.items(): self.conn._rx_queues[stream_id].join() del self.conn._rx_queues[stream_id] @gen.coroutine def _open(self): self.quit.clear() for stream_id, spec in self.specs.items(): self.conn._rx_queues[stream_id] = queues.Queue() reqs = _utils._create_req_downstream(specs=self.specs) for req in reqs: req.req_id = self.conn._next_req_id() self.conn._req_queues[req.req_id] = queues.Queue() yield self.conn._tx_queue.put(req) for req in reqs: q = self.conn._req_queues[req.req_id] resp = yield q.get() del self.conn._req_queues[req.req_id] q.task_done() if resp.result_code != _protocol.ResultCode.OK: raise ResultNGException() self._receiving() @gen.coroutine def _receiving(self): @gen.coroutine def _routine(q, spec, callback): while not self.quit.is_set(): unit = yield q.get() callback( _models.Unit( elapsed_time=unit.elapsed_time,,, ) ) q.task_done() for stream_id, spec in self.specs.items(): _routine( self.conn._rx_queues[stream_id], self.specs[stream_id], self.callbacks[stream_id], ) class Upstreams(object): def __init__(self, conn, specs, iterators, marker_interval): self.conn = conn self.quit = locks.Event() self.marker_interval = marker_interval # NOTE: asign stream_id using self.conn._stream_id method self.specs = {} self.iterators = {} for spec, iterator in zip(specs, iterators): stream_id = self.conn._next_stream_id() self.specs[stream_id] = spec self.iterators[stream_id] = iterator self.stream_infos = {} self._open() def _stop(self): self.quit.set() for stream_id, spec in self.specs.items(): self.conn._rx_queues[stream_id].join() del self.conn._rx_queues[stream_id] @gen.coroutine def _open(self): self.quit.clear() for stream_id, spec in self.specs.items(): self.conn._rx_queues[stream_id] = queues.Queue() self.stream_infos = {} for stream_id, spec in self.specs.items(): self.stream_infos[stream_id] = StreamInfo() reqs = _utils._create_req_upstream(specs=self.specs) for req in reqs: req.req_id = self.conn._next_req_id() self.conn._req_queues[req.req_id] = queues.Queue() yield self.conn._tx_queue.put(req) for req in reqs: q = self.conn._req_queues[req.req_id] resp = yield q.get() del self.conn._req_queues[req.req_id] q.task_done() if resp.result_code != _protocol.ResultCode.OK: raise ResultNGException() self._check_section() self._add_section() self._sending() @gen.coroutine def _check_section(self): @gen.coroutine def _routine(q): while not self.quit.is_set(): ack = yield q.get() q.task_done() for stream_id, spec in self.specs.items(): _routine(self.conn._rx_queues[stream_id]) @gen.coroutine def _add_section(self): @gen.coroutine def _routine(stream_id): stream_info = self.stream_infos[stream_id] while not self.quit.is_set(): yield gen.sleep(self.marker_interval) if stream_info.count == 0: continue yield self.conn._tx_queue.put( _protocol.EOSMarker( stream_id=stream_id, final=False, serial_number=stream_info.serial, ) ) stream_info.next_serial() yield self.conn._tx_queue.put( _protocol.SOSMarker( stream_id=stream_id, serial_number=stream_info.serial ) ) for stream_id, spec in self.specs.items(): self.conn._tx_queue.put( _protocol.SOSMarker( stream_id=stream_id, serial_number=self.stream_infos[stream_id].serial, ) ) for stream_id, spec in self.specs.items(): _routine(stream_id) @gen.coroutine def _sending(self): @gen.coroutine def _routine(stream_id, iter): while not self.quit.is_set(): try: unit = next(iter) yield except StopIteration: break if unit is None: continue self.stream_infos[stream_id].count_up() u = _protocol.Unit( stream_id=stream_id,, elapsed_time=unit.elapsed_time,, time_precision="ns", ) yield self.conn._tx_queue.put(u) for stream_id, spec in self.specs.items(): _routine(stream_id, self.iterators[stream_id]) class StreamInfo(object): def __init__(self): self.count = 0 self.serial = 0 def count_up(self): self.count += 1 def next_serial(self): self.count = 0 self.serial += 1 def cyclic_counter256(initial): cnt = initial def inner(): nonlocal cnt next = cnt cnt = (cnt + 1) % 256 return next return inner