Units - Access object for time series data (unit format)

Provides access API to time series data resources (unit format). Unit is a resource that outputs the time series data in types described in Time series data objects.

Request Methods


Be sure to create the access object using units on client.

client = intdash.Client(...)
client.units.list(edge_name='test_edge', start='2020/07/01 09:00+09:00', end='2020/07/01 10:00+09:00')
class Units(...)[source]

Access object for time series data (unit format).

list(start, end, measurement_uuid=None, edge_uuid=None, edge_name=None, id_queries=None, labels=None, limit=None, iterator=False, exit_on_error=False)[source]

Retrieves the list of time series data (unit object).

  • start (pandas.Timestamp) – Start point of retrieval range

  • end (pandas.Timestamp) – End point of retrieval range

  • measurement_uuid (str) – UUID of the source measurement

  • edge_uuid (str) – UUID of the source edge

  • edge_name (str) – Name of the source edge

  • id_queries (list[IdQuery]) – List of IDs of the data to be retrieved

  • labels (list[str]) – List of labels of the data to be retrieved

  • limit (int) – Maximum number of items retrieved

  • iterator (bool) – If True, create an iterator.

  • exit_on_error (bool) – If true, if an error occurs during the retrieval, the process is aborted and the list of Units up to the point of interruption is returned.


List of unit objects

Return type



Specify one of measurement_uuid, edge_uuid, or edge_name. If specified at the same time, they will be referenced with the priority of measurement_uuid > edge_uuid > edge_name. Low priority parameters will be ignored.


If both labels and id_queries are specified, all data that matches either of them will be the retrieved. (When using labels, it is necessary to register a signal definition separately.)


If limit is not specified, all data in the specified range will be retrieved.If the size of the data to be retrieved is large, you can use the iterator that retrieves the data for each limit by specifying the upper limit for the number of retrievals in limit and setting iterator to True.For more information, see Retrieving time series data in Tutorial.


When an exception occurs in the retrieval process on the server side, the Unit that stores the exception message is output and the process ends normally (see the example below). The data_type of this Unit is String. If you want to interrupt the process when an exception occurs, assign True to exit_on_error.


The following is an example when an exception occurs during data retrieval. The error message is stored in a Unit. The data_type of the Unit that stores the error message is String. The namespace of the endpoint where the error occurred is output to id. You can use the information in the Unit to retry or to investigate the cause.

>>> us = lc.units.list(
        labels=['nmea', 'test'],
        end=sample_measurement.basetime + pd.Timedelta(seconds=10),
>>> import json
>>> for u in us:
        if u.data.data_type.value == DataType.basetime.value:
        if 'error' in u.data.id:
            error_message =  json.loads(u.data.value)['error_description']
            raise ValueError(f'contains failed data: {error_message}')
# elapsed_time: 0 days 00:00:00
# channel: 1
# measurement_uuid: 3b5b9bed-d509-4198-aea0-54ee714f7a5b
# data_type: string
# id: intdash/measurement/get/data/error
# value: {"error":"converted_error","error_description":"Error occurred in signal conversion","error_extra":{"signal_channel":1,"signal_data_id":"GPRMC","signal_data_type":2,"signal_label":"nmea"}}
ValueError: contains failed data: Error occurred in signal conversion
store(measurement_uuid, units, serial_number=0, final=True)[source]

Stores time series data (unit object) to the server.

  • measurement_uuid (str) – UUID of the measurement

  • units (list[Unit]) – List of unit objects to be stored

  • serial_number (int) – Section serial number

  • final (bool) – Final flag


The maximum amount of units that can be specified in a single operation is 2GB. if it exceeds 2GB, run store() multiple times.


Refer to Time series data objects for data types.

class Unit(...)[source]

An object that represents a Unit resource.


Elapsed time




Channel number








The request parameter object is the same as the object for DataPoints. Check DataPoints - Access object for time series data (data point format) for details.