Source code for intdash._signals

# Copyright 2020 Aptpod, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json

import requests
from debtcollector import removals

from intdash import _models

__all__ = ["Signals"]

[docs]class Signals(object): """信号定義リソースへのアクセスオブジェクトです。""" def __init__(self): self.client = None
[docs] def create( self, label, data_type, data_id, channel, conversion, display, description="" ): """信号定義をサーバー内に作成します。 Args: label (str): ラベル名 data_type (DataType): データタイプ data_id (str): データID channel (int): チャンネル conversion (Conversion): 変換定義 display (Display): 表示定義 description (str): 説明 """ data = { "label": label, "description": description, "data_type": data_type, "data_id": data_id, "channel": channel, "conversion": conversion._to_dict(), "display": display.__dict__, } resp = json.loads( self.client._request(method="post", spath="/api/v1/signals", json=data).text ) return _models.Signal._from_dict(resp)
[docs] def get(self, uuid): """信号定義を取得します。 Args: uuid (str): 取得対象の信号定義のUUID Returns: Signal: 信号定義ブジェクト """ resp = json.loads( self.client._request( method="get", spath="/api/v1/signals/{uuid}".format(uuid=uuid) ).text ) return _models.Signal._from_dict(resp)
[docs] def update( self, uuid, label=None, description=None, data_type=None, data_id=None, channel=None, conversion=None, display=None, ): """信号定義を更新します。 Args: uuid (str): 更新対象の信号定義のUUID label (str): ラベル名 description (str): 説明 data_type (DataType): データタイプ data_id (str): データID channel (int): チャンネル conversion (Conversion): 変換定義 display (Display): 表示定義 """ data = {} if label is not None: data["label"] = label if description is not None: data["description"] = description if data_type is not None: data["data_type"] = data_type if data_id is not None: data["data_id"] = data_id if channel is not None: data["channel"] = channel if conversion is not None: data["conversion"] = conversion._to_dict() if display is not None: data["display"] = display.__dict__ self.client._request( method="put", spath="/api/v1/signals/{uuid}".format(uuid=uuid), json=data,, )
[docs] def delete(self, uuid): """信号定義をサーバーから削除します。 Args: uuid (str): 削除対象の信号定義のUUID """ self.client._request( method="delete", spath="/api/v1/signals/{uuid}".format(uuid=uuid),, )
def _list(self, limit, label, sort, order, page): query = {"sort": sort, "order": order, "limit": limit, "page": page} # optional queries if label is not None: query["label"] = label return json.loads( self.client._request( method="get", spath="/api/v1/signals", query=query ).text )
[docs] def list( self, label=None, sort="label", order="asc", limit=100, page=1, iterator=False ): """信号定義のリストを取得します。 Args: label (str): ラベル名 sort (str): ソートに使用するフィールド名 order (str): ソート順 ( ``asc`` or ``desc`` ) limit (int): 最大取得件数 page (int): ページ番号 iterator (bool): Trueの場合、イテレータを生成します Returns: list[Signal]: 信号定義オブジェクトのリスト """ if iterator: return self._iter_lists( limit=limit, label=label, sort=sort, order=order, page=page ) resp = self._list(limit=limit, label=label, sort=sort, order=order, page=page) return [_models.Signal._from_dict(item) for item in resp["items"]]
def _iter_lists(self, sort, order, page, limit, label): resp = self._list(sort=sort, order=order, limit=limit, label=label, page=page) page = resp["page"] first = page["first"] last = page["last"] next = page["next"] previous = page["previous"] yield [_models.Signal._from_dict(item) for item in resp["items"]] while True: if last: return resp = json.loads(self.client._request(method="get", spath=next).text) page = resp["page"] first = page["first"] last = page["last"] next = page["next"] previous = page["previous"] yield [_models.Signal._from_dict(item) for item in resp["items"]]