9. Troubleshooting / Frequently asked questions#

My Page v3.3.0 / Meas Hub v1.6.0 / Media Explorer v1.1.0 / Edge Finder v2.7.0 / Admin Console v1.3.0

I cannot sign in.

Make sure that the user name or the email address registered with intdash is correct.

The password may be temporarily invalid. Check with your administrator.

The user account may have been deleted or temporarily disabled. Check with your administrator.

If you enter the wrong password more than a certain number of times, you will not be able to sign in with the password. In this case, "Password is locked for security" is displayed and you cannot sign in. Ask your administrator to unlock your password.

I forgot my password

If you have already registered your e-mail address, click [Forgot Password ?] on the sign in screen and enter your registered e-mail address. An email will be sent to you to reset your password.

If you have not registered your e-mail address or your e-mail address is unconfirmed, please ask the administrator to reissue your password.

The administrator can reset the password in the Admin Console. Once you receive the temporary password from the administrator, sign in and follow the on-screen instructions to set a new password.

Users and edges do not appear in the list.

Make sure that no filter is applied. See Display a list of users (for administrators) or Display the list of edges (for administrators) for more information.